Saturday, September 16, 2006

Subliminal Messages, The Truth Part Two

Subliminal Messages, The Truth
Part Two
Copyright Kevin Hogan
Exciting Developments in the Field of Subliminal Persuasion

Now, let me tell you straight away that I think the idea of being at a website and having subliminal cues there is nothing short of exciting. The idea of having subliminal messages on the restaurant table or at the bar simply fascinates. Using subliminals to get the girl to say "yes," or the client to say "yes"'s all exciting...and you should be able to know how to do it.

If I invest 200-300 hours into subliminal research, I'm going to write four articles about that work....and then I'm going to create a program of perhaps 5-10 CD's and let you own what I know.

You could do all the same research at approximately 20-40 times the cost... but you COULD do it. There are no secrets in HOW to discover what works, there are plenty of secrets in knowing what works.

My place is to save you the 9,999 attempts at creating a light bulb before finding the one way that works. What would Edison have paid for that?


The subliminal pull occurs when several things are already in place.

Factor One: Person Being Persuaded Must Be Motivated

The person to be persuaded needs to be present. (I swear to you there are people that will tell you that you can influence Bill in Tucson with your mind power because of Quantum blah blah....)

KEYPOINT: The person has to have some motivation. (Remember we talked about the "thirst" study where people who were not thirsty were not motivated to drink or buy *anything* when subliminally "persuaded."

Only those that were already thirsty reacted to very specific subliminal messages. Almost all sumbliminal messages fail because people don't know how to create them so they are effective.)
A recent study showed that people who knew they were going to be interacting with someone else responded to an ad for a CD that would put them in a good mood.

Those people who were not going to be getting together with someone were not motivated in any way by the subliminal messages to purchase the CD.

In other words, the conscious awareness that they were going to be getting together with someone was a prerequisite to buying a CD that would restore their mood.

Understand that. If you don't want to go to church Sunday or have an aversion to going to church or want to watch the football game or whatever, my subliminal messages for you to go to church are going to fail, period.

Factor Two: Subliminals Wire into Motivation and Desires

KEYPOINT: If the girl is on the fence and your subliminal hits the right button, she'll happily come off the fence. But if she is repelled, all the subliminals in the world won't cause motivation. As a rule: Subliminals WIRE INTO MOTIVATION and DESIRES, OR, they direct the individual to do or think ONE specific thing.

Return to the "interaction study" for a moment. What do you think motivated people to buy the CD when exposed to the advertisement???

• A message that said,..."feel better and buy the cd"
• "appear happier to the next person you meet"
• "this cd will make you feel good!"
• "feel good!"
• "feel better!"

See, all those affirmation goofballs will tell you that is the kind of stuff that will work. It doesn't. The people who bought the CD were exposed to a subliminal SAD face!