Been curious about the Science of Influence Home Study Program? Check this out!!
Do these four "thought exercises" with friends, groups (best!) or on your own.
Record your answers, then read on to discover how this information will forever change the way you do...everything in life, particularly, influencing others!
(a) Read this scenario:
John is intelligent, industrious, impulsive, critical, stubborn, and jealous.
Mark is jealous, stubborn, critical, impulsive, industrious, and intelligent.
Quickly, which person do you think you would like more, John or Mark?
(Write down your answer now, before reading on.)
You have a lot of company if you said John. Most people do, and the reason is simple. Although the same traits were used to describe John and Mark, the principle of primacy primes the mind to filter everything else you learn about someone through the first characteristic, that of being intelligent in John's case and jealous in Mark's case As each characteristic is mentioned in order, it becomes less and less important.
(b) Guess-timate the total of each of these multiplication problems. Show the first equation to one person and the second equation to another. Each person gets only five seconds each.
a) 8x7x6x5x4x3x2x1 = ?
b) 1x2x3x4x5x6x7x8= ?
Write down your answers now.
The average guess for problem A is 2250. For B? 512.
The correct answer is 40,320!
Why the big difference in guessing and the huge distance in both cases from the right answer? People group the first few numbers together in each set and then guessed based upon this information.
(c) How are you perceived?
Group one (or person one if you are doing this with only two friends) is shown these words and asked to remember them.
"adventurous", "self assured", independent" and "persistent"
Group two is shown this set of words and asked to remember them.
"careless", "conceited", "solitary" and "stubborn"
Now, each has 15 seconds to describe and evaluate the following person: Donald is a parachutist.
The descriptions given by the individuals or groups will be heavily slanted toward the words they had to remember....Group A typically finds Donald careless and a daredevil. Group B typically finds Donald a free spirit.
KEY: Whether you realize it or not, everything you watch, listen to, read, and think about influences the NEXT thing you consider.
(d) Say the following word five times then continue reading.
"Blood, blood, blood, blood, blood."
What color does a traffic light have to be to proceed?
Did you say red?
Go back and look at the question. Interesting eh?
These four scenarios all take advantage of our brain's programming for primacy. We tend to lose the ability to consider much information after the first important piece and in fact, we tend to filter or disregard information that doens't match our current information, whether or not the new information is valuable.
KEY: There is an enormous amount of research, old and new, that confirms that what happens "first" in some experience, event or situation is that which alters our perceptions of all others. There is also an equally large amount of research that shows that what happens "last" in some experience, event or situation is extremely important in our perceptions and beliefs.
Are the two in contradiction? No. The brain tends to remember that which happens first and last in sequences, events and life in general. The balance between the two (primacy and receny) is very interesting. One experiment shows that when two speakers are giving speeches one right after the other with no break, the first speaker tends to be received better and appreciated more. However, when speakers (say candidates for office) can choose between speaking this WEEK at a meeting or before a group or NEXT WEEK, they must choose the later event as people will forget what happened last week and the freshness of this week's speaker and her message will be ultimately weighed in a much better light. When considering "going first" or "last" the key determining factor for "positioning" is the elapsed time between the events. The shorter the elapsed time, the better it is to go first. The longer the elapsed time, the better it is to go last.
Let me ask you a few questions, may I?
What was the first school you attended?
What was the second?
Who was the first person you kissed?
Who was the second?
What was the first apartment you rented?
What was the second?
What was the first car you actually owned?
What was the second?
What was your first job?
What was your second?
OK, I think you get the idea!
So, we know we have a hard time remembering things in the middle! We are good at beginnings and endings. How do we use this enlightening information?!
Priming people to accept a message is all about starting out with a great impression, something big, a promise, a big smile, something that "sets the stage" for everything that can happen later. Remember, that what happens first, will be REMEMBERED and will serve as a filter for everything that comes after. To successfully do this, you can get the Science of Influence Home Study program that will show you hundreds of secret and powerful tactics and persuasion strategies for half price this week!
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